Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another Year of School Begins!

The first day of school!  If only that first rush of new friends, new teachers, new school stuff (shoes, notebooks, backpacks, lunchboxes....) could be bottled up, it would come in handy in my adult life when I'm in need of a pick-me-up.  I love seeing the eager faces and looks of anticipation especially when students come by before school starts to drop off their supplies and get a look at the changes we've made in the room!  They want to see where their cubbies are and check out their lockers (even though they are the same as the year before, perhaps down the hall a bit). 
I am always amazed how much children can grow over the summer.  It's like the sun helps them sprout!  I watch my students grow and mature as I (at least I would like to think) don't age at all.  I'm a constant figure but in reality, I too am growing (unfortunately in the wrong direction) and becoming more mature (sometimes!) - but I still love the thrill of learning what makes each child tick.  Every year it changes a bit with each one and finding what makes them soar is exciting and challenging. 
Today we had goal setting - where the teachers meet with each student and plan out activities for them to reach their goals for the year.  It's always interesting to see how the students assess their abilities and what their strengths and weakness are and what they feel they need to work on.  It usually is right on the money.  Sometimes students want to do something they aren't ready for, but will guidance I show them the steps they need to take to reach their goal. 
Tomorrow the fun really begins - team building and getting-to-know-you activities with gym and our first all school meeting of the year added in to complete the day!

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