Thursday, April 1, 2010

April First Fun!

Well, I had to think of something fun since it was April 1st - April Fool's Day!  So Cheryl and I came up with telling the students that although there was not going to be school tomorrow that she wanted one more day with them before her baby came, so we were going to call all the parents to have them come in tomorrow.  She was afraid she'd give it away by smiling but she pulled it off.  Some of the students looked at me like, "Are you crazy?" but no one said it.  Jack looked a little concerned because he had a party planned but she told them before anyone got upset.
Everyone took it with in the spirit it was meant. 

1 comment:

  1. my girls believed it hook, line & sinker! They told everyone over Easter what a great prank it was and how serious Cheryl played it ;)
